Recent Publications
School Belongs to Me (2021) - Amazon
Stack’s award-winning picture book about a Rosenwald school.
Rosenwald School Reflections: Documentation and Preservation (2018) - Amazon
This book includes practical tips for researching Rosenwald schools, doing effective oral history interviews, and raising funds for Rosenwald school projects.
Sharecrop Companion Guide (2017) - Amazon
The Sharecrop film and this companion guide explore what life was like for sharecroppers in the Mississippi Delta, Appalachia, and the Carolinas. The guide's introductory essay provides historical context for the stories, and each chapter corresponds to an individual’s story from the film. Common Core standards alignment and lesson plans and project suggestions for grades 5 to college level are included.
The Canetuck Rosenwald School Celebrates 100 Years
Cora Jones “Boot” McLeod (1918-2022): A leader in the historic Hayti neighborhood of Durham, NC
Rev. Richard Keaton Lives On in SENC Churches
The West Southern Pines Rosenwald School: Cornerstone of the community
From Sloop Point Rosenwald School to NASA: Dr. Johnny Batts
Dr. George E. Davis, Wilmington Native and African American Education Leader
The “Black Homer” of West Southern Pines, NC
The Historic Baltimore School in Bladen County, NC
Rosenwald Schools: An example of African American commitment to education
Ledger Books Kept Some African Americans Captive Long After Emancipation
General Stores in the South Were Mercantiles, Lenders, Post Offices and Gathering Places
The Daniels: Leaders in Excellence at an NC Rosenwald School
Booker T. Washington’s Legacy in Wilmington, NC
Years Apart, Two African American Women Embodied the Spirit of Their Times in Somerville, TN
The Andersons: Leading African American Educators in Pender County, NC
The Ones Who Stayed: African Americans in the South During the Great Migration
The Filmmaker We Need Now: Frederick DeShon Murphy
Black History Matters: The Injustices Are Real, but So Are the Contributions
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ask Employees to Provide Free Diversity Training
Bright Leaf Tobacco: African American Innovation Led to North Carolina’s Most Valuable Crop
Give African American Veterans of WW II Their Due: A step toward economic justice
Of Michael Jordan, Baseball and Potatoes